Teaching staff have worked together to ensure that our curriculum has a clear statement of intent, that we are clear about how to implement our curriculum, and how we ensure that it is up-to-date, relevant and fit for purpose by ensuring that we review its impact regularly.
We have studied Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction (Rosenshine, 2012) as a basis for discussions around pedagogy and high quality learning experiences, and aim to implement these principles as a matter of course on a daily basis. The 10 Principles are concerned with:
1. Daily Review
2. Presenting New Material Using Small Steps
3. Ask Questions
4. Provide Models
5. Guide Student Practice
6. Check For Student Understanding
7. Obtain A High Success Rate
8. Provide Scaffolds For Difficult Tasks
9. Independent Practice
10. Weekly & Monthly Review
Please see our other pages for details on the content of our curriculum.